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Naloxone Kit Distribution

The Town of Chapel Arm recognizes the role that harm reduction measures play in community health. Naloxone kits are a safe and effective means to combat opioid overdoses, which have seen a dramatic spike across the province.

Administering Naloxone to an individual experiencing a suspected opioid overdose is a simple process that can make the difference between life and death. The town office has been registered as a local distribution site for injectable Naloxone kits.

Anyone wishing to obtain a free kit or more information can come to the town office during office hours, Monday through Thursday, 9am to 12pm and 1pm to 4:30pm each week.

For a visual guide on how to administer Naloxone, click here.

A vial of Naloxone and a black soft shell case with a red cross labelled "NALOXONE".
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